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A string resource tool making it straight forward to add foreign language translations to your java app


A string resource tool making it straight forward to add foreign language translations to your java app


Download the .jar file (and the sources .jar file if desired) from the releases page of the repo here.
Include the .jar in your java project.
Create a resources/lang directory in your project. This is the directory under which you will store your language files.

Using lang4j

If a language is not specified, the default language is used instead (eng by default).

// Gets the resource in resources/lang/
L4j.getResource("characterNames", "");
// Gets the resource in resources/lang/
L4j.getResource("characterNames", "", "fr");

You can also store resources in sub-directories as follows:

// Gets the alert.question resource in resources/lang/dialog/
L4j.getResourceInDir("dialog", "npc", "alert.question");
// Gets the alert.question resource in resources/lang/dialog/
L4j.getResourceInDir("dialog", "npc", "alert.question", "fr");

If you do not wish to specify the file the resource is in, lang4j can use a default file ( by default):

// Gets the alert.theif resource in resources/lang/dialog/
// Gets the alert.theif resource in resources/lang/dialog/
L4j.getDefResource("alert.theif", "fr");


You can change the default language (the language used if none other is specified) using:


You can also change the location where the resouces are stored (by default resources/lang) using:


If you are not specifying the resource file and are getting the resources using getDefResource(...), you can change the default file that will be used by using:

// The default resource location will now be /